Monday, October 25, 2010


Driving Question: What Inspires Courage?
Subject: English 11 British Literature Prepared By: Desiree’ Fuller

Overview & Purpose

Through Class Discussions and Lecture, Students will embark on their individual journey’s through British Literature. Students will also participate in various class discussions that directly relate to the Canterbury Tales and The Illiad. Education Standards Addressed
CE 1.3.1
CE 1.3.3
CE 1.5.4
CE 2.1.12
Standard 3.1 is covered

Date/ Day of Week Objectives and Procedures Homework

Today students will present their video presentations of the Canterbury Tales.
Blog Assignment due on Wednesday at 11:59pm

What Inspires courage?

400 WORDS Materials Needed
• Paper
• Pencil.
• Computer
• Online Blogs
• Text Books•
Objective: Students will continue to deliver their video presentations of the Canterbury Tale that they were assigned.

Students will take notes on the Tale.

Objective: Students will complete the Canterbury Tales unit with a quiz that is derived from the presentations that they gave.

Continuation: ACT strategies and preparation.
Blog Entry: What inspires courage?

250 words: To be completed By Sunday October 10, 2010 at 5:00pm

Themes from Across Cultures.
Literary Analysis
-Explore the key idea of courage
- Identify and analyze similes and epic similes
- read an epic poem

-classify Characters
Friday Objective:

Writing Test: College Admission Test Questions.

To be Completed in class.
Advanced Topics Development of 2010 version of Taming of the Shrew.

Students will continue making their sonnets with their partners.
Advisory - Peer Mentoring Training
- Conflict Resolution amongst peers
- Evaluation of Progress Reports
Differentiated Instruction Various simplified questions and checks will be made pertaining to the reading a timeline skill lesson, note taking,
Students will interact with me while we are discussing critical lenses through the comparing them with lenses we use in the real world.

1 comment:

Jerin Shellman said...

What inspires courage? Some people may be afraid to step up for themselves. Then there are those whom aren’t afraid to be the person to fit in and stand out. Meaning, They are apart of community yet still, when they see something wrong their not afraid to say something. When we see these people, they even inspire others to be like them.
Great People inspire courage. Looking back in our history. Great people like Rosa Parks, she had the courage to stand up for what was right. Great speeches that people give like MLK. He spoke some of the best speeches. He gave people the courage to start a movement. A movement to help us. There are some people today that may inspire you to be a leader.
Even music can encourage people. A lot of people refer to music as a mental therapist. To help them over come whatever trials they maybe going through. I do this as well. Music too, can be a good resource for courage. If listening to a artist you are inspired by, the may say something that really inspires you to be like them. If not, then better.
Seeing people in bad situations. I know that if I was to see someone struggling with anything I would help them. Seeing how everything is now, it inspires me to have the courage to be a better person. It also inspires me to stay in school and do my best. To strive and achieve for my many goals.
A lot of people are shut down with put downs. Negative feedback sometimes, more than likely, brings people down to their worst. With some it builds them up and helps them do better. Its takes a lot to be that person to take in feedback as such and use it as courage. Courage to do better. Whatever feedback you got back that was negative, use it to do better and try again.
Having people beside you. When you have friends along with you that can also inspire you to have the courage to endure. Because friends inspire you to be a better person. To also be more outgoing and helpful to others around you. Of course those friends are those who give positive suggestions. Your friends and family as well play a huge role in inspiring you to have courage to do anything. Also to endure through any tribulations.