Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Driving Question: How do I demonstrate that I am open-minded enough to learn from my experiences?
Subject: English 11 British Literature Prepared By: Desiree’ Fuller

Overview & Purpose

This week we will focus on peer editing techniques. On Monday the students will submit their research papers that were assigned four weeks ago. In class, students will work in papers to edit the work of their peer. This will help strengthen their skills for the ACT English Test. Much of the test is acknowledging the sentences structure and grammatical errors of a written text.

In the event that the room reservation was granted, the students will debate within class. 1.1 Understand and practice writing as a recursive process.
1.2 Use writing, speaking, and visual expression for personal understanding and growth.
1.4 Develop and use the tools and practices of inquiry and research —generating, exploring, and refining important questions; creating a hypothesis or thesis; gathering and studying evidence; drawing conclusions; and composing a report.
2.1 Develop critical reading, listening, and viewing strategies.
2.2 Use a variety of reading, listening, and viewing strategies to construct meaning beyond the literal level.
2.3 Develop as a reader, listener, and viewer for personal, social, and political purposes, through independent and collaborative reading.
3.2 Read and respond to classic and contemporary fiction, literary nonfiction, and expository text, from a variety of literary genre representing many time periods and authors.
4.2 Understand how language variety reflects and shapes experience.

Date/ Day of Week Objectives and Procedures Homework


1. Students will receive their announcements for the week.
2. Peer Editing Workshop.
Revision of Research Paper

Blog Entry: Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life?

Due Saturday 5:00pm Materials Needed
• Paper
• Pencil.
• Computer
• Online Blogs
• Text Books•
Discussion of ACT strategies.
Clarification of the Expectations pertaining to the ACT.
Prefix/ Suffix Review ( Common Roots)

In- Class ACT- English Test. Grading of the English Test During class.

Paper Revision Final Papers MUST HAVE

- The Word Count Posted on the last page.
- An Abstract
- Superior Word Choice
- Superior Organization

Remember This is Due on FRIDAY IN MORNING MEETING. 250 PTS

1. Discussion of the ACT- English Test- Strategies that Could have been used. Explanation of Answers, Paper Revision
Friday Practice English ACT test- Worth Grade Recorded in grade book. Revised Paper

Advanced Topics Development of 2010 version of Taming of the Shrew.

Tragedies and performance

Students will continue making their sonnets with their partners.
Advisory - Peer Mentoring Training
- Conflict Resolution amongst peers
- Evaluation of Progress Reports
- Community Service Project
- Work Ethic
Differentiated Instruction Various simplified questions and checks will be made pertaining to the reading a timeline skill lesson, note taking,
Students will interact with me while we are discussing critical lenses through the comparing them with lenses we use in the real world.

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