Thursday, January 22, 2009



Group Project: Zulu, Masai, Bushmen, Hausa, Yoruba, Fulani, Shona, Pygmies, Bantu,

Research and find out the following information about the various Tribes of Africa. Compare and Contrast the two tribes and present a Poster board display to show pictures and other evidence that you may find.

  1. Location of the tribes (Ibo +Your Tribe) ( 6 Sentences)

-Where would you find the member’s of the tribe?

- Where are they now?

  1. Language (Extra Credit: Create a Poem using the language of the tribe you select) ( 5 sentences)

- What language (s) did the member’s of the this tribe speak? Is it still spoken today? What are some of the words you have discovered while researching this project? ( Find pictures to illustrate the words.)

  1. History ( 15 sentences)

- Conflicts with other tribes

- Development

- Expansion

- Customs

  1. Economy ( 6 sentences)

- Form of currency

- Affluent or Poor?

- What kind of currency did they use in the past and what kind do they use now? ( provide pictures)

- Types of Labor from past to present.

  1. Political System ( 6 sentences)

- How did the tribe make decisions before Colonialism? (Did they have meetings etc?)

- How do they make decisions today?

  1. Style of Dress ( 4 sentences, pictures)

- What type of garments did the member’s of your tribe wear?

- Are there any special tribal markings associated with your tribe? ( If yes, find them and post or mark pictures)

  1. Tribal Artwork (Pictures with captions)

- Find a mask or crest that was made from your tribe. (Mandatory)

- You may find and use other pieces of art from your tribe.

  1. Religion and Ceremonial Traditions ( 10 sentences)

-Did your tribe have a God, many God’s or any organized institution that they believed in? Find pictures

- Describe in detail 3 Ceremonies performed by your tribe.

  1. Comparison of your tribe to the Igbo Tribe’s traditions featured in “Things Fall Apart.” (Are they a like or different? Would there be conflict or peace? Why?)

You should have 2 slides for this task. A slide showing how they are alike, a slide showing how they are different, and a slide discussing whether or not your tribe and the Ibo tribe got along or if you think they would or would not)

Create a PowerPoint to Present to the Class. (The Poster board should be creative and essential to your project, it should tell a story to those who may not have the honor of viewing your power point)

  • When your group presents, you may dress in African clothing etc.
  • Fulfill the requirements, but BE CREATIVE! Use what you have J

*Use the tri fold poster boards*

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