Thursday, November 6, 2008

—Quote of the Day/ Word of the Day
James Buchanan said “I like the noise of democracy.”
—pace (PAY-see)

—MEANING:With due respect to. (used to express polite disagreement)

lFriendly letters have five parts:
lThe Heading
l The Salutation (greeting)
l The Body
lThe Closing
lThe Signature

lThe Heading
lThe heading can include your address and the date. In casual, friendly letters your address is not necessary.

lThe Salutation (greeting)
lDear_________. The blank is for the name of the person you are writing. After you write the person's name you put a comma ( , ) .

lThe Body
lThe body of the letter is the information you are writing in your letter.

lThe Closing
lThe Closing: In the closing the first word is capitalized and you put a comma after the last word.
Some examples of closings are: Sincerely, Your friend, Love, Very truly yours,

lYour Signature
lThis is your name. It goes under the closing.

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