Friday, May 28, 2010

Checking In

Remember that your Final consists of the paper and p.o.l. for English 10. The final exam will be 10% of the 3rd quarter and 10% of the fourth quarter grades.

Many of you are going to shoot your commercial at various locations during the holiday weekend... GREAT. however ensure that you get a signed consent from the individuals present in your video who are not your group members if you are going to upload them onto any internet based site.

Remember, your POL should be completed on June 3, 2010 and ready to present on June 9 or 10th, schedules are forthcoming. This is for the ENTIRE piece.

Also remember, interview attire is Mandatory. It is my hope that you will understand the seriousness of this request.

Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of reviewing the rough drafts of many students. (if you decided to participate) If I did not critique your rough draft you did not lose points, it was a voluntary basis. However, remember that there was indeed a check to ensure that you all had addressed each of the essential questions completely.

Remember to follow the comments and suggestions that I made on your brainstorming sheets. Utilize the template that you have earned and do not stray away from the format!

The 30 vocabulary words used should be UNDERLINED or highlighted (if you have a color printer, otherwise it may not show up)

Special Note: While composing your paper, remember that you must write as if the reader does not know you, and has not read the material you have read this year. BREAK IT DOWN. Do not become lax or lazy. At this point, all papers should be exemplary.

ALSO, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. AT 8:10am on June 11, 2010, the window for submitting your final will be closed.

1. You may have a parent or loved one drop it off if you will be absent, or you may turn it in early.

UNDERSTAND, that NOT turning it in will greatly reduce your grade!

It has been my pleasure, I look forward to seeing your completed work! Let's show Detroit what you can do!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Next Week

Over the weekend, Type your rough draft and either have an electronic copy or a printed copy. I will ask questions that will assist you in thinking critically about the final paper. The last day for Rough Draft evaluations by me is May 25, 2010. You can choose to participate or not. After May 25, 2010 I will not read your papers. The body of the paper should be presented, along with the 30 vocabulary words that are required.

Also expect to work in your groups for the final project, by the end of the week the rough draft of the script will be composed as well as the possible locations to shoot the video.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Nevertheless, a doctor's excuse or a death notice must be submitted to Ms. Murg for 10th graders to be excused.

As of right now, all absences on Friday, are unexcused and those student will no longer be permitted to work on the final during class.

On a happier note, the MAJORITY of tenth grade did indeed submit their assignments! Way to go! You are truly college bound.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Dear Parent or Guardian,

The Final Exam Writing Checkpoint will take place on May 7, 2010. Students are required to have the Introduction and Headers 1-8 in completion, handwritten in class tomorrow.

In the event that your child does not complete this assignment, they will not be able to participate in any further in-class final exam paper preparation activities. Only the students who have completed the requirements for the Final Exam Writing Checkpoint will continue to receive class time to work on their final. Students who have chosen not to participate thus far in the preparation for the final paper, will have regular class assignments to complete and the assessments that coincide with them.

However, the due date for the final paper will remain June 11, 2010. The paper MUST be printed and submitted during Morning Meeting, to avoid the deduction of points for tardiness.

I encourage all parents to check Parent Connect, so that you may see your child’s progress thus far.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Homework Assignments for the Week

Tuesday 5/4/10

The Brainstorming Sheet for your final should be completed. (75pts)

Rough Draft: Introduction, Questions 1-4 Handwritten on a sheet of paper and ready for Peer Review tomorrow. ( 50pts)


Wednesday 5/5/10

Continue Rough Draft: Questions 5 & 6 ( 50pts)

Thursday 5/6/10

Continue Rough Draft: Questions 7 & 8 ( 50pts)

Friday 5/7/10

Continue Rough Draft: Questions 9 & 10& 11 ( 50pts)