Thursday, May 6, 2010


Dear Parent or Guardian,

The Final Exam Writing Checkpoint will take place on May 7, 2010. Students are required to have the Introduction and Headers 1-8 in completion, handwritten in class tomorrow.

In the event that your child does not complete this assignment, they will not be able to participate in any further in-class final exam paper preparation activities. Only the students who have completed the requirements for the Final Exam Writing Checkpoint will continue to receive class time to work on their final. Students who have chosen not to participate thus far in the preparation for the final paper, will have regular class assignments to complete and the assessments that coincide with them.

However, the due date for the final paper will remain June 11, 2010. The paper MUST be printed and submitted during Morning Meeting, to avoid the deduction of points for tardiness.

I encourage all parents to check Parent Connect, so that you may see your child’s progress thus far.


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