Monday, December 27, 2010

The Research Paper

I hope you guys are enjoying your break. Just some reminders:

A. The research paper must be printed and submitted in your classes on January 3, 2011.

B. The paper should be no less than 1800 words.

C. Ensure that you have followed your outline.

D. Save extra copies because we will refer back to them.

E. The paper is going to be edited in class by a peer and myself. Please understand if your paper is late you will not only lose points, but you will not be able to participate in class.

F. At this point please do not bombard me with emails as to what your topic is. There were TWO weeks spent working on your topics in class and the brainstorming process. It is time to be accountable and responsible for our materials.

G. Remember you should have a MINIMUM of SEVEN articles!

H. The paper must be in A.P.A. format and the references should be correct. Remember, the reference for a book is different from the reference of a periodical.


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