Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Test Questions

The Anglo Saxons and Medieval Periods: The Origins of a Nation

  1. In what ways did the Roman conquest of Britain benefit the Britons?

  1. What caused William to invade England?

  1. What important role did Monastaries play?

  1. Why would Christianity appeal to the early Anglo-Saxons?

  1. Why might the works of such writers as Margery Kempe and Margaret Paston be of interest to modern readers?

  1. What is an monarchy?

  1. What is Feudalism?

  1. What factors would be likely to contribute to the conflict between the monarchy and the church?

  1. In what way did the Black Death contribute to the decline of feudalism?

  1. What were the Three Social Forces?

The Anglo Saxon Epic: Beowulf

  1. What is an alliteration?

  1. What is a caesura?

  1. What is a kenning?

  1. It was stated that Grendel was a descendent of Cain. What does this mean?

  1. What are reparations?

  1. What is an Heathen?

  1. What is a lair?

  1. Why does Beowulf come to see Hrothgar?

  1. Why does Beowulf insist, “my hands alone will fight for me”?

  1. What is the Significance of Beowulf’s statement. “Fate will unwind as it must”?

  1. What happens to Grendel?

  1. What striking images does the poet use to bring the narrative to life?

  1. How important is Beowulf to the fate of Denmark?

  1. Clarify- Why does Beowulf journey across the sea to the land of the Danes?

  1. Summarize- How does Beowulf trap Grendel?

  1. What drives Grendel to attack so many men at Herot, the mead hall?

  1. Why does Beowulf Hang Grendel’s arm from the rafters at Herot?

  1. What is a talon?

  1. What does it mean to be infamous?

  1. What is a threshold?

Essay Question: In what ways can an educator be a hero? Give an example of a real life experience that supports your answer. Use the back of the page if necessary. 300 words.

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