Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Study Guide for Quiz 3/11/2010

1. Who is the main hero of this book? Huck Finn
2. Who is the main hero's companion for most of the book? Jim
3. What do the two conmen that Huck and Jim meet call themselves? The King and the Duke.
4. What two families were in the middle of a feud? The Shepherdsons and the Grangerfords.
5. What is Huck's girl "name" at the beginning of the movie? Sarah Mary Williams.
6. What town did Huck and Jim need to go to in order to get off of the Mississippi River and to get to a free state? Cairo
7. Who did Pap try to kill in his drunken rage? Huck.
8. Who killed Pap. Pap's partner killed him.
9. How did Huck Fake his death? Pap was going to kill Huck.
10. Why did Huck fake his death? Huck faked his death so that he would be free from his abusive father.
11. What happens to the King and the Duke? They get tarred, feathered, and ran out of town on a rail.
12. Who wrote the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
13. What is Satire?
14. What did Pap's boot imprint consist of? A nail cross in the heel of his boot.
15. What did Huck do with the Wilks gold? Huck put the gold in Peter Wilks' coffin.
16. What object did Jim use to tell the futures of others? A mystical hairball.
17. Where was Mark Twain born? Joplin, Missouri
18. What is the given name of Mark Twain? Samuel Clemens.
19. Did Mark Twain die a rich man? No he did not, he died bankrupt.
20. Huckleberry Finn was published in what year? 1884.

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