Thursday, January 29, 2009

Working effectively in groups

§The First Step
§CALM DOWN- Group projects can be very challenging if you possess a poor attitude from the very beginning.

§The Collective Group Project Agreement and Assessment.
úYou will get to know you team members and know their expectations as well as your individual expectations.
úAll group member’s will possess the contact information of each group member.
úThe ground rules will be set by everyone involved so that there is less confusion.
§Flexibility and Goal Setting
§Your group should begin with the end result in mind. How do you want to present your work? Who is going to do what?
§Also you have to be flexible while working in groups. Assess whether or not everyone has the same capability, and unforseen circumstances can and may occur.
§Determine strengths and work with them.
§First, figure out what needs to be done on the project. Then assign each person in your group a responsibility according to their abilities.
§Set deadlines
§Set deadlines for each group member to get their assignments done by. This establishes clear boundaries and helps to prevent stress caused by leaving everything to the last minute.
Take the lead if needed.
§So what if you get stuck in a group with a couple slackers in it who really don't care about how the project goes?

"Become the group
leader”. By taking leadership, you will get the chance to expand your leadership capabilities and also ensure that work gets done.

And what if your other group members have nothing to contribute?

"Usually everyone has something to
say, "But if group members aren't responding, encourage them to contribute by asking them directly by name for their ideas."
§Resolving Group Conflict
§First and foremost, talk the situation over soon after it occurs. And do it soon!

From my experience, people begin to talk about what happened even sooner afterwards.

Good, step in the right direction, right? Well, not always… particularly when the talking isn't with the person involved, but with other friends or acquaintances. People begin to pick sides. The gossip circulates and all of a sudden, friends become enemies. Suddenly everyone is mad at everyone else.

So, be sure to talk with the person with whom you are upset without the interference of people who aren't really involved.
§Stay positive about your group.
§Refrain from gossiping about other members and try to help one another as much as you can. After all, who knows? You may even come out of the experience with a friend or two.
§Resolve it the day it happens
§Resolve it the day it happens. One rule my parents follow in their marriage is that they don't go to bed angry with each other. They always attempt to resolve things the day it happens so that in the morning, it's a fresh start with no past grudges.
Whatever you do, don't let things ride for too long.
§Regardless of how you may personally feel about a group member, you are still responsible for communication with them.
§Learn to Agree to Disagree
§Even when you don't see eye to eye, agree to disagree. Tell them that while you may not agree with what they're saying, you still value their friendship.
Focus on the bigger picture. Successfully facing and working through the discomfort of conflict in a friendship has a worthwhile reward: a deeper relationship.

Don't accuse by using the word, "you."

Be sensitive. Try to offer solutions when appropriate, but know when to listen. Don't underestimate the importance of a listening ear.
§Last but not least
§If all else fails, speak with your instructor about the issue.
§However, ensure that all steps were taken in order to resolve the conflict on your own.

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