Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An outline is like a "skeleton" of an essay.
It shows the "bare bones" or main ideas of the essay structure.
You can use an outline when you are reading or when you are writing.
An outline helps you to organize ideas.

Sample Outline
I. Introduction: What is Y2K?
II. Why people were afraid
III. What really happened on January 1st 2000
IV. How did it affect you?
V.Conclusion: What people will do now.

Practicing Outlines
Outline Your Writing Assignment
Write an outline of the main ideas of the essay.

Practicing Outlines
Now take your own pre-writing notes and organize them into an outline.
From this outline, begin writing the paragraphs of your rough draft.

Tasks For Tonight

Study your Vocabulary Words
Complete Your Outline and Start Your Rough Draft- (5 paragraphs)
Bring Your handwritten Draft to class tomorrow so that you may participate in the peer review.

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